
Security system in Setapak

About Setapak: This major suburb is located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This place is very popular for tin-mining and rubber-growing area.

In a town like Setapak, there are many commercial establishments and residential establishments. In all these establishments, it is very important to install security systems so that theft and burglary can be prevented. The deposit boxes and lockers are custom made and some of the special features in these boxes are:

  • The outer case is composed of powder coated steel and is U.L listed in the security and quality.
  • Boxes have solid thick doors and for the endurance and appearance, it has stainless steel cover.
  • The lockers are flexible with the help of the double key changeable locks and necessary changes can be made in the locks.
  • A changeable numbering system is there for the opening of the boxes and the numbering system allows future expansion.
  • These boxes and lockers are highly recommended by the banks, financial institutions and credit unions.

Recently it was released that the company has the full range of facility equipment and at, the fingertips the customers can have the residential grade safety which can really maximize their investment. The criminals and the perpetrators often attack houses and for this reason the residential people feels that fixing of alarms are a must in the houses and nowadays most of the western countries have this provision. During the mid 70s very few companies used to manufacture electronic gadgets and equipments but the workers, in this company were knowledgeable and they develop some of the finest products in the country. The company has been able to satisfy the needs of many people and make them feel secure and free. The company recently developed the 7000 series LCD keypads, which has user friendly interfaces and is versatile with sufficient amount of new features.